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Yellin-Rosemont Foundation

Thank you!
All Donations are tax-deductible
The Yellin-Rosemont Foundation is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization
EIN: 86-2470351
100% of every donation goes to the fund to donate-no administrative fees and no financial compensation to anyone comes out of the Foundation fund; the only financial compensation given is to our accountant who manages the fund, and they are paid out of a personal account. Each year, we make a single donation to each of the charities listed below and on our "Partners" page. The donation is made in memory of one of our loved ones; it is our way of keeping their name and their service alive in this world.
Donations made to Girls Who Code and AAUW are made in memory of Bob Yellin; Donation to the St. Mary's College Peace & Justice award is in the name of Henry Rosemont. Donation made to the Yiddish preservation and Indigenous Language preservation is in the name of Herman and Gloria Yellin. Donations to Habitat for Humanity is made in the name of Kathleen Rosemont.
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